Graph mining and generators


Simple examples on algorithms typically used in graph mining (work in progress).


This project welcomes open collaboration and feedback.

Graph Mining


Using tkplot to visualize a simple graph on macOS isn’t the best because I keep a pop-up window that I don’t like one bit.

# note that the graphs converted to dimacs format can be read directly like this
g       <- read.graph("INDDGO/sample_graphs/WikiExample.graph", format = "dimacs",directed=F)
Coord   <- tkplot(g, vertex.size=3, vertex.label=V(g)$role,vertex.color='darkgreen')
MCoords <- tkplot.getcoords(Coord)
plot(g, layout=MCoords, vertex.size=8, vertex.label=NA, vertex.color="lightblue")

Marginalization in general graphs

The marginal distribution of a subset of a collection of random variables is the prob. distribution of the variables contained in the subset.

Junction Trees