Feature Vectors from Graphs

Examine well known methods of extracting and feature vectors from graphs.

Neural Network Architectures

This projects aims to examine the complexity of neural network architectures to leverage structure that improves the training phase.

News Archive

Archived news

BLE Development (My Notes)

Audio over BLE New Project


In graph mining the concept of dividing the nodes of a network into groups or communities as part of a clustering exercise is also called modularity. How well graph generators preserve modularity?

openACC (My Notes)

Parallelize Your Code

  • Benefits:
    • No involvement of OpenCL, CUDA, etc.
    • Source can work on both CPUs (serially) and can be deployed to GPUs

ML Notes on Learning and working with DNN

Deep learning: A brief walk into the foundations underlying neural networks and deep learning.


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Develpment Notes MacOS Python as a Framework